Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oh, Deer! I've Done It, Again!

I bought something else for which I
have no room in my house.
This is a big problem I have.
When I find a bargain that
captures my imagination,
I don't think very hard about
where it will fit.  I just pounce.

Now, I did pass some things
 along, today.
You may laugh at me because
I also passed along my son's
boots, rather than his old

Aaaannd, I did think the deer
will make a fun subject for
one of my other blogs..., the price was well nigh
Could you have resisted?
I suppose you could. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Little Project Fail

This is it.
This is the way the bathroom mirror
and wall sconces have looked for about
twenty years.  

Well, actually there is this
 leprosy that has developed on the lights.
That wasn't there twenty years ago. 

I had been thinking that it would
not be a big project to replace the
I would also like to paint the metal
parts.  I think that
involves turning off the electricity,
using a screwdriver, and sanding
off the rust.
Might need a little help,
or at least instruction, for that.

BUT I found these frosted glass shades
 less than two dollars 
apiece at Goodwill!

I love the look!

Unfortunately, they don't really fit.

Oh, well.
What I have is pretty good. :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Courage! Oh, My!

I know it does not look like
much, but I got the drawers
of my dresser emptied,
organised and closed.

Hard to feel encouraged when it is this
bad.  Oh, well.  I did something, rather
than going back to bed and trying to
forget about it.
(Also got some laundry & dishes done,
some bills paid, supper cooked
and a tiny bit of scrubbing on
our dirty siding.
It was a perfect day for scrubbing,
but anything involving lifting has
to be done in "little bites," for me.)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Project Trimming

It was a dull Monday morning.

I thought I should get to work on
something.  (Dull!  Dull!  Dull!)
Well, I usually start with the dishes.

It's not that the dishes weren't
screaming to be done.

The bedroom's piteous moans
had finally penetrated my Monday
gray haze.

Hey, I could make an entire blog post
about the stuff on the bed that doesn't
belong there, why it is there and what
I should do about it.
Now, this crewel embroidery kit is
listed on eBay.  I must not lose it.

Well, THAT was a process!
It is now in the box with the
other things that are listed for sale.

If I do that with everything it could
be a funny post, but how much
actual improvement would I see

So, I have trimmed my project from
"I've got to clean this room!"
I'll clean off the bed, sort the stuff
and put it away.
That could take a lot of time,
not to mention physical
and mental energy.

Too much trimming.

Strip the bed!
OK, it looks better, already.
Oh, the mattress cover is wearing out.
Well, I'm not going to go get a
new one, right now.
I should wash it
(and hope it doesn't get worse.)

THEN when will the bed get done?

(think think think)

Yup, that's true.
Back to work.

There is no way I deserve to have
such pretty sheets!

I will not punish myself or postpone
the pleasure of using these.

Well, that did not take long.
It looks kind of nice...

if I don't look around!

Note:  I was so tickled to find
the folding bookcase
(really cheaply at a thrift store)
to put within reach of the bed!
I stopped congratulating
myself when I loaded it up
(temporarily, of course)
and discovered I had placed
it too close to the table.
I'm starting to forget what
is in that drawer... :)

So, by trimming my project
from cleaning and reorganising
the whole room to making
the bed look pretty good,
I actually got to a sense of
supper is all ready.

My inclination is to look
around and see what
still needs to be done
(and wonder how I can
ever do it.)

Perhaps I'm learning something.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baby Step

It is hot, but there is a fan in the
kitchen.  With it blowing directly
on me I was able to do a few dishes.

Not a huge improvement,
but something got done.

I think this picture symbolises a part
of my difficulty.  Fact is, I'm kind of
picky.  The dishcloth, knit by my Mom,
is just not enough.  I also use the plastic
scrubbie and the little off brand eraser
thing helps tremendously with finger-
prints, lip prints & other filmy yuckies.
I think, part of the reason I don't get
as much done as I would like may
be that I want them done well - and
my way!  Learning to let go of this
is a process.  Oh, is it ever a process!

One of the things that help me keep
from utter despair, when it comes
to my housekeeping, are the
glimpses of beauty that lighten my
heart.  :)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Deep Breath


great bargains,

hot muggy weather,



and discouragement

have all had their part

in my failure in housekeeping.

It is time

to focus

and take a deep breath.

Though I know

I am not capable 

of a perfect magical, overnight job,

today is cool,
there is nobody to chauffer
and I'm feeling good.
Here I go.

Would you pray for me?

(and kindly note the
package of bankers boxes
I purchased -- the
one on the wing chair
is designated and partially filled,
which means
I really have started
in a tiny way.)

Monday, March 4, 2013

Am I the Only One?

Am I the only one who finds it
just a little difficult to throw
things out?
What an array of craft supplies
there are in the recycling bin
and the trash!

Here are some examples:

Milk and juice cartons make lovely
molds for candles and I've always
wanted to freeze large ice cubes
and build something outside
in the snow.
There is also that cute house
shape to work with and
I think I could make bird houses
and feeders with them.
Not to worry.  After I took the
picture, I squashed them down
and put them in the trash.

Plastic deli containers have all that nice
clear plastic that is so handy for so many
crafts.  This plastic is right for shrinking,
as well!  It had to be washed before
I could put it in the recycling bin.
It's in the dish drainer, now.
Next stop: the BIN! 

Pretty, clear glass jar.
So many things come to mind.
Wouldn't my spices and herbs
look nice in a collection of these?
How about a tiny diorama?
The label did not come off
easily when I washed it.
Unless I suddenly snatch it
out of the bin to store something
temporarily, off it goes.

Plastic shopping bags.
Small trash can liners.
Plarn (plastic yarn!)
Though they roll around
like tumbleweeds, I do
take them to the store to
be recycled... when I remember.

Well, I could go on,
but that's what caught my eye in my
messy kitchen, today.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Inspired by a Friend

I cleaned an organised one cupboard.

Seems like there might be a better
solution for my bagged foods
and maybe for that handy
hand blender, too.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year, New Thoughts

It is difficult for me to let anyone see
what a mess I've made for myself
and my family.

While some small corners are functional
and even have nice touches..
...others barely function.  There is a lot of
work to be done, here.

(The desk was recently moved from my son's room.
Two of the drawers had yet to be emptied and
returned to the desk.)

Thing is, I'm still working to get rid of
my perfectionist tendencies.
 In case you are on of those
people who is not a perfectionist,
There are folks who happily claim to be

I don't believe them.

If their house looks nice
it is clean
they are able to do something
besides straighten
and clean
rather obsessively
they sleep at night,
I question the level of their

It's kind of like skepticism.

I'm so skeptical that I think
your skepticism
is put on for effect.

See what I mean?

True, deep, dyed-in-the-wool
perfectionism is never


So, I aspire to be a
"good enough-er."

I'd like to have things
even pretty.

If I can do this,
instead of being paralyzed
by the reality that
I will never get things
perfectly perfect...


I might actually enjoy
my housework!


I hear it's possible.


Let's see, shall we?

If you have any wisdom,
any tips,
any encouragement
for me,
I surely would
appreciate it!
