Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Baby Step

It is hot, but there is a fan in the
kitchen.  With it blowing directly
on me I was able to do a few dishes.

Not a huge improvement,
but something got done.

I think this picture symbolises a part
of my difficulty.  Fact is, I'm kind of
picky.  The dishcloth, knit by my Mom,
is just not enough.  I also use the plastic
scrubbie and the little off brand eraser
thing helps tremendously with finger-
prints, lip prints & other filmy yuckies.
I think, part of the reason I don't get
as much done as I would like may
be that I want them done well - and
my way!  Learning to let go of this
is a process.  Oh, is it ever a process!

One of the things that help me keep
from utter despair, when it comes
to my housekeeping, are the
glimpses of beauty that lighten my
heart.  :)


  1. Hey, when you put your mind to it you get plenty accomplished! A bowl of fruit makes me happy too : )

    1. Thank you, Eva Girl. There's just so FAR to go! :P
      (And this heat is not helping -- oh, well.)
