Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Deep Breath


great bargains,

hot muggy weather,



and discouragement

have all had their part

in my failure in housekeeping.

It is time

to focus

and take a deep breath.

Though I know

I am not capable 

of a perfect magical, overnight job,

today is cool,
there is nobody to chauffer
and I'm feeling good.
Here I go.

Would you pray for me?

(and kindly note the
package of bankers boxes
I purchased -- the
one on the wing chair
is designated and partially filled,
which means
I really have started
in a tiny way.)


  1. Praying for you, friend. :) I'm always touched by your transparency on this blog. It takes a huge amount of courage to admit our struggles. :)

    1. Thank you, BB. I didn't have the courage for quite a while, but decided, with God's help and a little encouragement from any & all of you, I can do better than THIS, at least! :)

  2. I'm praying for you too. As a Messie I know how hard it is to start and how we have to celebrate even the little triumphs, so good for you for starting to fill your first box. One step at a time. Linda S. from Canada.

    1. Linda S, I found the Messie book years ago. I think I need to look at what she has online, now. I'll bet it's good stuff. I really appreciate your prayers. :)

  3. Just one inch at a time : ) God's with you all the way!

    1. Oh, Eva Girl, it hurts so much to really realise how badly I've "backslidden!" Your precious treasures' desire to come see me plus Uncle Si's struggles are big triggers in this new effort. I know He's with me. I know it. :)
