Monday, July 29, 2013

Project Trimming

It was a dull Monday morning.

I thought I should get to work on
something.  (Dull!  Dull!  Dull!)
Well, I usually start with the dishes.

It's not that the dishes weren't
screaming to be done.

The bedroom's piteous moans
had finally penetrated my Monday
gray haze.

Hey, I could make an entire blog post
about the stuff on the bed that doesn't
belong there, why it is there and what
I should do about it.
Now, this crewel embroidery kit is
listed on eBay.  I must not lose it.

Well, THAT was a process!
It is now in the box with the
other things that are listed for sale.

If I do that with everything it could
be a funny post, but how much
actual improvement would I see

So, I have trimmed my project from
"I've got to clean this room!"
I'll clean off the bed, sort the stuff
and put it away.
That could take a lot of time,
not to mention physical
and mental energy.

Too much trimming.

Strip the bed!
OK, it looks better, already.
Oh, the mattress cover is wearing out.
Well, I'm not going to go get a
new one, right now.
I should wash it
(and hope it doesn't get worse.)

THEN when will the bed get done?

(think think think)

Yup, that's true.
Back to work.

There is no way I deserve to have
such pretty sheets!

I will not punish myself or postpone
the pleasure of using these.

Well, that did not take long.
It looks kind of nice...

if I don't look around!

Note:  I was so tickled to find
the folding bookcase
(really cheaply at a thrift store)
to put within reach of the bed!
I stopped congratulating
myself when I loaded it up
(temporarily, of course)
and discovered I had placed
it too close to the table.
I'm starting to forget what
is in that drawer... :)

So, by trimming my project
from cleaning and reorganising
the whole room to making
the bed look pretty good,
I actually got to a sense of
supper is all ready.

My inclination is to look
around and see what
still needs to be done
(and wonder how I can
ever do it.)

Perhaps I'm learning something.


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