Monday, September 12, 2011

Claiming the Blame -- and a Little Encouragement

Today, I lay weakly upon my bed and cried.

I knew I should get at the mess, but I was discouraged.

Even the sink and counter that I had kept up with for a few days, was a mess again.

The hall has not got clogged, much.

There is only one extraneous bag on the old table, if you don't look at the "to be filed" tub.

The chair remains open, but the floor space is shrinking, again.

Begun, but not done, still describes the further wall cleanup and beautifying project.

The top of the piano looks fine to me, but oh, how am I to ever just sit down and play away?

At least the bathroom is not bad.

My poor bedroom!

Oh, dear!

Well, some progress has been made.
I haven't done much, lately.
Wouldn't it be lovely to get it all
done quickly?!

Looking back, I can see some small improvements.
What had begun as a confession of guilt, ended up encouraging me just a little bit, after all.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Temptation Averted

Such a tiny triumph!  I picked up a Homer Laughlin platter in Goodwill, yesterday, but instead of buying it, I mentioned to the cashier that perhaps it should be researched.  I have no room.  Fortunately, I remembered that before I spent $3 to bring it home and add to my clutter.