Thursday, August 18, 2011

Shiny Sink

I had something else in mind, today.
I took "before" pictures and started in.
Then I decided to check out Fly Lady's
baby steps.  Day one was shine your sink
day.  Following her instructions (except,
amidst the other stuff that was going
on, I completely forgot the window cleaner
step) I scrubbed and polished and
wiped that sink dry.  It was a hot 
day, here.  I am a high temperature
overweight woman.  My niece is 
visiting the area from the West coast.
You get the picture.
I never got back to the first project.
But, my sink is shiny! 


  1. Beautiful. I guess a shiny kitchen sink is one of those important house things...I wipe mine down, but I don't scrub it shiny very often...

  2. Me, neither! This is Fly Lady's first baby step, as explained on her site. :)
