Monday, August 8, 2011


      I have given up. 

     It did not start out that way.  I blogged about my pitiful progress last Wednesday.  The next day I had the opportunity to help a friend who needed to get out and do some errands.  Her situation is not my story to tell.  I did not regret the lack of progress on my mess.

     Friday was less productive.  My father wanted to go to a book sale and the bank.  Taking him, my son and I managed an errand, as well.  Now, going to a book sale is only a chore for me when it comes time to sort and pay.  Working around two other people's schedules is a little more taxing. 

     Fast forward to today.  Today I managed to fall asleep less than two hours after I got up.  Thinking I had just dozed off momentarily, I found to my shock that it was one thirty in the afternoon!  I did manage to make supper, wash dishes and do a very small load of laundry. 

      I found a little more motivation in watching Hoarders.  We discovered, this past weekend, that we now have more than just basic cable, which was the cheapest way we could find to get  the internet.  So, I got to see Hoarders -- two episodes, in fact.  In the first one someone talked about there only being paths through the house.  Directly in front of where I was sitting is a pile of boxes and containers that need a home.  My livingroom, therefore, has a path through it!  Ugh!  I did a little sorting and tossing while watching the show.  I got up and did dishes during the comercial breaks. 

     It was not a very successful day, but I feel I may have got somewhere near that track I lost.  We shall see.  I shall hope.


  1. See, you didn't give up! There may sometimes be a lull in progress, but as long as your willing to try again, it's still progress : )

  2. Eva Girl, you brought a tear to my (left) eye. OK, I laugh, but it's true. :)
