Monday, August 29, 2011

Oddly Lethargic

Is it the blue Monday thing?
Is it the result of anxiety?
I don't know, but today I didn't
want to do a thing.
I did a small load of laundry
hung it out.
(Gotta bring that in!)
I've barely begun to clear out our
storm stuff.

The extra water is still out.

It seems wasteful to just dump it.

One task I did not anticipate
was sorting the good grapes and 

berries from the ones that had got
moldy.  I just bought them, two
days ago! 

Maybe I'll give myself a little credit.
I am cooking a simple supper.
Besides, getting down on myself
does not motivate me much, usually.

Where do you find motivation
when you are feeling lethargic?


  1. Well, usually I find a funny flick of you tube to watch, like Andy Griffith, and tell myself, "After you have a little fun you can buzz around and get a bunch done...and then you'll deserve a little treat, like working on something you enjoy doing..." That, usually works O.K. But, some days it's better to get all the work done that I don't want to do, so that I know tomorrow I can have plenty of time to do whatever I like ; )

  2. Thanks, Eva Girl! It might work for me. :)
