Friday, July 29, 2011

Little Joys

Not a good picture and the
kitchen is a mess, but the floor
got thoroughly washed, today.

This little chest got it's drawers

cleared out.  Now, the fun part:
filling them back up!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Little More

Having gained permission
from my DH, I cleared out
his bedside stand and
replaced it with a pretty
table that suits the space and
the style of the bed better,
in my never humble opinion.

Kindly ignore the
mess on the floor
(and the bed.)
I have not figured out
what stays, what goes
and where.

The little white box in the
first picture is this lantern,
now situated by our front steps.

A Box and a Jar

From this little chest of drawers

to this thrifted box
(except, the 3-hole punch doesn't fit)

which I did not resist at under $4!

A little more "jarring"

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

That Jar!

Pickled Fabric

More Fabric in pickle

Ribbon storage
(but I have so much more ribbon!)

Lace pieces

For now, lace pieces win and I even found a spot for them.
What would you put in this jar?

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh, I Guess I Shouldn't Have!

They had to go in the attic.

They are certainly not in lonely
splendor, there.
I guess I should have resisted.

But I don't really regret it.
There were three boxes left
at one dollar apiece. 

(tiny sigh)

I guess I can see why I have
a problem!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Well, Then!

Today was one of those days when I wanted to give up, crawl back into my unmade bed and tell the world to go away.  I felt as though the little progress that I have made is not nearly enough.  A week of hot humid weather plus a sunburn plus several hours of my body rejecting something (something we ate, I think because my DH and Oneson had it, too) left me feeling useless and rather worthless. 

Looking back on the day, I see a little to encourage me.  I did do a load of laundry and hang it out.  I even brought the half of that load that was dry into the house.  I may even get that half load put away! 
My mind actually connected two
dots and I put some dolls that I
don't want to lose track of into
my beautiful storage cases. (They
had been in a sorting box, awaiting
just such a perfect place to live.)

I am in love with
these Snapware(R)
Snap 'N Stack containers.
Baskets are prettier
but these are sooo handy.

So, as I write this, the supper
is started and I am encouraged
a bit by the fact that when I looked at
this wall, this afternoon

I actually saw a pretty vision,
instead of the long work yet to go.

That's three cheers, my dears,
and a lot more cheer than I was
feeling earlier.

I'll take it.

Friday, July 22, 2011

'Nother Little Plate!

Got the other plate from my aunt.

Hung with it's mate, it looks
kind of cute, don't you think?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Still running hither and you, today 
I gathered and placed the trash
 and the recycling for pick up.

And that was about it!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hmmm, Not much to report!

Yesterday was impossibly muggy!  I visited with a friend and didn't do much to help my mess.  I did buy subs for supper.  That kept the dishes from piling higher! 

Today I got most of those dishes done, but that's about all.  My son, my father and I went to visit cousins/friends at their camp.

Tomorrow, I have a date with another cousin.  She's from out of state.

The next day is beach day with friends.

When will I make noticeable progress?  How can I be too upset?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

I Wonder

... how much hurt feelings, feelings of inadequacy, of being odd man out and such have to do with the mess my house is in.

Friday, July 15, 2011

My Miracle is Taking a While

I got to hang this little
plate, today.  I'm
expecting to hang
so I left some space.

Doesn't the hall look
terrible?  The bathroom
had a good cleaning, today.
(Don't congratulate me.  When
My "cleaning lady" came I
couldn't think of something to
work on together.)

I had been doing this.

And this.

Which looks bad, but I
did get a box of dolls
put in the go-away stack.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

GAH! -- ha ha ha!

Well, you may as well laugh as cry, so I am.

I did do a small load and a large load, today, reducing Mount Laundry to a few towels and rags.  Of course, most of the second load did not dry, so I will have to remember to check them, tomorrow.

I did scrub the toilet bowl by hand this morning.  Of course, the scrub is still right where I left it, intending to come back and finish plus do the sink.

I did take another stab at the pile on the couch.  I made some progress.  Of course, I went next door for a few minutes, got to hold a little baby for a little while, then offered to take my visiting niece two towns over to see if she could find her friends. ( She did. )
And... when I got home my DH was already here and wanted to go somewhere, soo...
When we finally got home and I turned on the living room light, the last flash of the dying bulb showed I had left things scattered about!  I had to do a small mad scramble and pile most of it back up, again.  (Too dark for a photo.)
Then, as I was inserting the memory card from my camera into my net book, the little tab (write protect/write) fell out!  I may find it, but then what??

You haff to laff!  And why not?  It wasn't a bad day.  Just a little nuts!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

OK, Well....

I did get every last dish done, today (well, excepting the one I melted beeswax in, what a mess!) but I spent the rest of the day with a friend who needed to blow off some steam.  I don't feel too bad about not getting much done. 

On to tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Ha! I forgot the Good Part!

At one point, the dishes were all
done, the counter wiped down and
a fresh towel hung.
Of course, as soon as I started
cooking supper, the dishes started
piling up, again! 
That's a small kettle of
sweet potatoes, on the stove.

What goes in the Jar?

So, a friend asked
for something to use
in her kitchen and I
impulsively gave her
this jar that came from
my Grandparents' cellar.
Immediately, I regretted it.
I built up my courage
and asked her for it back.
(I gave her two apocathery jars.)

Now, what should I display in it?

Can You See It?


After I had worked on it for
a while.  I don't see much
difference.  Do you?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Taking Stock

This is the area that had
my crafting desk.  It had to be
moved, and now I want
 this area to look better.

The wire rack will be useful
elsewhere and I have a
prettier book case... the attic! 
Thought I might get
a path started, at least,
today.  Ha!  By the time
I got some pictures
taken, I was glad to wobble
downstairs to the slightly
cooler living room.

In fact, other than cooking
supper and getting some
 errands done, my progress
was all in my sweaty little
head, today!

I shall not be discouraged!
Tomorrow may be better.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Piano Top, Plus

Ping!  Finally, two thoughts met
in my head.  I needed a place for
my six mid twentieth century
hard plastic dolls.  I needed
to clean up the top of the piano.
I don't seem to have a 
"before" picture.  Some things
that are buried in my mess
would fit in, too.  Not showing,
but there, are my Roy Rogers
and Dale Evans lunch box and some
heavy paper board animals still
in their box.

This doesn't show up well.
I finally took the snowman
themed things from the shelf
and had a ball putting
some shells in their place.

Not too bad, before,
just a bit odd for Summer.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Hall Work and Getting Fresh

One spot looks better.
A lot more spots to go!

I was so pleased to get these valances
twenty years, or so, ago.

Here's a possibility for freshening
up my poor, neglected windows.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hall Pass

May 31st

also May 31st

also May 31st


baby steps

Today I wanted to give up.
It's hot and muggy. 
Something didn't go well.

I pushed myself just a little big.

Tiny triumph

Ummm, What are You Doing?

On the same errand mentioned
in yesterday's post, I got a chance
to survey the craft department.
Perhaps this was a mistake.
It certainly did not help me
in my quest to reduce my
Underneath, barely seen, is
fabric for a light cool nightgown
for me.  The rest is for crafting...
Oh, dear!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It Won't Look Much Different

Washing the curtains

won't make my kitchen look better

so I took some pictures to remind
me, I did get something done on this
muggy day!


I've been trying to buy one
container (solution) per
paycheck.  Some of my patterns
fit so well in this Sterilite container
that I thought I would get another.

Ooops!  This new version
wont work, at all!