Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Flub!

Today was odd.  I ran to town to cash a check.  When I reached for the check, I realised it was still on the table at home.


When I got home, I helped my son with a project that should have been done yesterday.  Then I flopped on my bed and fell asleep.


When I woke up and looked around for something to work on.  I felt rather lack luster.  Hadn't figured out what to do.  I made a phone call, instead.


While trying to get the information I needed, I was interrupted by an incoming call.  When I called her back, my friend shared a bombshell she's been trying to deal with.
While we were talking my father called.  He needed to go into town.  I had a chance to redeem myself.  (Did I mentioned my son has my car?)  I took Dad to town, planning to pick up the perfect plastic box, so I could pack away some stuff that I had organised, before.  

  We had supper out.  Dad gets tired of eating at home.  Well, the store had the boxes, but not the lids.  by the time I  got home, my DH had got home from work and was hungry.  I officially gave up.  So, no baby steps to report, today.



  1. Hi,Aunt Lou; Great blog. Happiness is we have the Lord in common but amusingly, we share the "messies". I read most of your recent posts. You are so brave to take the pictures and you're making some real progress. Good going. You're inspiring. Sylvia

  2. Oh, Sylvia, how encouraging it is to get your comment! Thank you! The need feels overwhelming. Trying to keep myself encouraged can be stiff, at times. :)
