Thursday, June 30, 2011

Odd Day

Today was a little odd.
I felt like crawling into
a hole but a few things
did get done.

Here's what happened
when I stacked the books
too high!

I got every last dish done!
Then, of course, they started
piling up, again.

Out of this big fat mess,
I put away some of
the things.  I recycled
some, too.

Laundry was kind of
amusing.  At first it seemed
like a good, breezy drying day.
Then the breeze slowed down,
the clouds thickened
and the birds started singing
their it's-gonna-rain songs.

I looked at the sky.
I felt the clothes.
The clothes were dry,
with a few exceptions.
I took them in.
They are all put away.
(I often don't get that done
in good time.)

Not only did it not rain;
the sun came out for a little while.

Hee Hee!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Improved, but not Finished

The way it was.

The way it is.

The way my kitchen corner
 looks after a couple of
days of dropping things
where we finished with them.

The way it looks after a couple of
short, sweaty sessions.

The "after" pictures were taken
after we returned from a birthday celebration.
It was dark and the photos did come out well.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Odd Jobs

I haven't done any lawn mowing in years.  It may be 30 years or more.  My big handsome husband and my big handsome son do that job.  Today, the son had other things scheduled.  So, I tied on my sturdy shoes and tried to pitch in.

My DH starting the small
mower for me.

He kept it going until I got there.

Pushed myself a little too hard.
Should have stopped a little sooner.
Wanted to finish a certain patch.
(didn't finish it)
Was retching a bit before I
took the mower "down back."
Had to lie down and wait it out
for a few minutes.  Note the sweat --
so lady-like!

On to a job that was more my speed.
Combined several odd boxes

of my dolls

from different spots

around the house

into one large plastic storage
box that I picked up when I
was out doing errands with my
Dad, today.

OK. there were half a dozen left over.
One would have fit in the big box, but I
just got her.  One goes in another box
with her friends until I decide who
is staying with me.
One (Betsy McCall) has a spot
to be displayed, but I need
to make her some -ahem-
So, that leaves 3 who need
their own spot.

Finished, I am not. 
A little encouraged, .
I am

Monday, June 27, 2011

What Have I Done?

Doesn't seem like much.
Emptied a pail.
Pavked and moved a couple of boxes.

A small load of laundry
got washed, hung, folded
and put away.  I forgot
to take a picture of the
line of laundry, so I took
a picture of
"Mount Laundry,"
or what's left of it.
Much less attractive!
(plus there's another load
waiting, but not started.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Flub!

Today was odd.  I ran to town to cash a check.  When I reached for the check, I realised it was still on the table at home.


When I got home, I helped my son with a project that should have been done yesterday.  Then I flopped on my bed and fell asleep.


When I woke up and looked around for something to work on.  I felt rather lack luster.  Hadn't figured out what to do.  I made a phone call, instead.


While trying to get the information I needed, I was interrupted by an incoming call.  When I called her back, my friend shared a bombshell she's been trying to deal with.
While we were talking my father called.  He needed to go into town.  I had a chance to redeem myself.  (Did I mentioned my son has my car?)  I took Dad to town, planning to pick up the perfect plastic box, so I could pack away some stuff that I had organised, before.  

  We had supper out.  Dad gets tired of eating at home.  Well, the store had the boxes, but not the lids.  by the time I  got home, my DH had got home from work and was hungry.  I officially gave up.  So, no baby steps to report, today.


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Focusing on the Good Stuff

Half of today was spent being sick.
The other half was spent being hauled
around by my son
so we could each get an errand
or two done.
I feel like looking at the
messy room.
I'm trying to focus on the
fresh pretty bed.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

It Doesn't Really Show...

The space in which my newly cleaned
pitcher belongs was filthy. 
 It may not show up much, but there was
greasy dirt everywhere. 
(There is a lot of wear on our
second hand cupboards,
 but I didn't paint them.)

I scrubbed myself hot, sweaty and exhausted,
but it really just showed me
how much more there is to do!
Oh well, even if no one could tell, at least it's cleaner. 

Plus, I did dump the dead flowers...
...and cooked supper and did the dishes and got the trash started for tomorrow and moved some stuff...

...but there's so much that I still need to do.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Step... Step...

The sun was shining.
There was a nice breeze.
Plenty of hot water to be had.
Time to do the dish cloths & towels
plus a tablecloth.
Am I the only person on Earth
who hates the thought of
washing the cloth that touches
our dishes in the same water with
other more "contaminated" laundry?

With the laundry on the line,
it was time to tackle part of the kitchen, again.

Not only were the dishes starting to pile up,
the stove needed some attention, as well!


OK, I'll take this.

Which is not easy for me, considering
my frenemy, perfectionism.
This burner is not perfect!

The tea kettle needs a good going over.

The plastic back of the stove...
well, I  could go on.

But, in general, there's an improvement. steps...

Friday, June 17, 2011

How do Photograph That?

I got a little done here and there.
There's a woman who cleans for my next door
neighbor once every two weeks.
Last Fall I asked her if she could come to my house
 for an hour after she is done.
I decided I could work that into the budget.

So, we got some stuff put away better than it was, today.
How do you take a picture of that?
The house feels better, to me, so
I took a little picture of the way it feels.
Someday, I would like the whole house
to be this photo worthy.
Well, maybe not the attic... or the cellar...

Have a lovely weekend!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Doesn't Look Like Much

Today, I did about what other women who keep house do, except less.  Mount Laundry is down to a molehill.  Supper and the dishes got done.  (A little more to clean up, now.)  Little steps. 

An unusual occurrence: a friend stopped by to get cheered up, a little.  I think I accomplished that.  I also fed her a simple tuna sandwich and a glass of water.  After she left, I fell sound asleep.  Weird!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Three Sheets...

...wait!  One is a tablecloth!
The reason I keep posting laundry pictures
is that laundry is visible.  Mount Laundry is
diminishing.  Today I shipped a small plate that
I sold on EBay.  I realised that, though I like it,
I haven't the faintest what I will do with it, so
on it goes.  I made a tiny profit.  I hope someone
will find a blessing from my over abundance.
I paid a bill -- two bills, in fact.  Supper is planned.
I have a dilemma.  One undisturbed stack
turned out to be VHS video tapes!  Sorting
through them may be helpful.  There are some that will stay, but where??
Ah, well.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Today was a bit rushed.
I'm patting myself on the back for
getting dinner made and getting almost all the
dishes done up before I had to drive my father and sister
to our farewell lunch, then to the airport.
I'm patting myself on the back for keeping cheerful
as we said goodbye.  (I busted out bawling when I got
behind the wheel to pull away from the curb.)
Perhaps I should not have taken Dad to Goodwill
after that, but we both found some good stuff,
it cheered us up and much of mine is destined
to leave my house very soon, I hope...

As Scarlett would say, "Tomorrow is another day."

Monday, June 13, 2011

No Trumpets Today

This is the way my kitchen corner looked before I started cleaning up.

This is the way it looked after I cleaned and did dishes for a while.   Do you see a difference?  I sure don't see much!

This is the picture I took to remind myself that something in my house looks halfway decent! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Washout Week?

This week is not entirely a washout.  I did get some things done, just not a very impressive amount.  For an instance, I did do dishes, today.  I did not get them all done.  Setting up a fan near the kitchen sink helped me to stay there longer than without it.  I suppose you can wash dishes in salt water, but I'd rather it did not come from my face!

Today, it happened, again.  Some dear relatives who are going to be out of the country for three years were visiting next door.  They strolled over to see us.  I bit the bullet, said, "If you can stand it, I can." and let them in.  Oh, dear.  I really have to shovel this place out and get it systematized, for my own comfort and to offer comfort to others. 

Please, Heavenly Father, please!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tiny Steps

This is the post that almost didn't happen.
I don't feel as though I got very far, today.
I got a few dishes done.
The kitchen still looks rather bad.
I gathered trash and recycling.
I took garbage out to the compost bin.
I washed a load of clothes, hung them out
and brought them in.
I also washed and hung a wool blanket.
Don't laugh too loudly,
I only took it off the bed a few weeks ago!
My mother said that this is the way the wool blankets used to be made.
It's very long.  Doubled over, it's a little short.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Laundry Loaded

Today, I felt as though I could get nothing done!
I did manage to wash, hang and fold one load of laundry and make supper.
Tiny triumph!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekend Warring

On Saturday, my men got into the act.

Father and son decided that the project part of the car had become too much for them.

Son's car.  He doesn't look too unhappy!

On Sunday, I helped a friend with a doll show. 
 She let me piggy back on her table - well, under her table.
Several of these dolls are gone. 
I didn't charge much. 
I even gave a few away.