Monday, September 12, 2011

Claiming the Blame -- and a Little Encouragement

Today, I lay weakly upon my bed and cried.

I knew I should get at the mess, but I was discouraged.

Even the sink and counter that I had kept up with for a few days, was a mess again.

The hall has not got clogged, much.

There is only one extraneous bag on the old table, if you don't look at the "to be filed" tub.

The chair remains open, but the floor space is shrinking, again.

Begun, but not done, still describes the further wall cleanup and beautifying project.

The top of the piano looks fine to me, but oh, how am I to ever just sit down and play away?

At least the bathroom is not bad.

My poor bedroom!

Oh, dear!

Well, some progress has been made.
I haven't done much, lately.
Wouldn't it be lovely to get it all
done quickly?!

Looking back, I can see some small improvements.
What had begun as a confession of guilt, ended up encouraging me just a little bit, after all.


  1. It's a never ending job being a housewife - laundry, cleaning, cooking, decluttering - and it just never is done...I wonder why God made so much of life that way. So much repitition. But, for some reason, He did. Dirty clothes, dirty dishes, dirty floors, dirty shelves...
    It's part of this world I guess, we just have to keep cleaning till we get to heaven, then...then there will be no more cleaning! Then we will be free of it! I can hardly wait till then : )

  2. Heaven! Oh, yes!:)
    Part of the reason that I want to get my house all organised and emptier is to make the cleaning chores go better. It's so frustrating to have to move all this stuff! I'm dangerously near to tossing indiscriminately, after which I am always sorry, so the tiny steps continue. :)

  3. Maybe you could get a helper? Someone who has the same clutter streak and you could trade off working on each other's stuff. I have thought about doing that myself but haven't for whatever reason. I like your dolls sitting atop the piano waiting for a tune! Give yourself a reward when you get something done and limit the time you're going to be de-cluttering. Eat on paper plates and toss them! Hee. That's my best advice. So cleaning's not your strong point. You are a great blogger!

  4. Oh. thank you, beachbabydoll1! (May I call you bbd? - giggle) You are very encouraging! :)

  5. Hi AuntLou! I've missed hearing from you, so I thought I'd stop by and see what you were up to. ;)

    I just wanted to thank you for this transparent post. I've struggled with clutter for most of my life as well (I think being a collector with numerous collections doesn't help!). ;) Now that I have 3 little kiddos running around, the few cleaning and organizational skills I had have bit the dust. My house is rarely clean. I don't know that I'd be brave enough to post honest pics of my house on most days. Thank you for being braver than I ever could be, and for being an example to the rest of us. And hey, it's nice to know I'm not the only one! ;) My two closest friends are minimalists and neat freaks, so I often feel alone in my messiness.

    Have a great week! :D

  6. Thank you, beast'sbelle. I do plan to get back at it, too. I am in the midst of a "project," but keep doing little things to encourage myself about the house. Unfortunately, they don't show much, yet. :)
