Thursday, August 2, 2012

Baby Step

OK, it's ridiculous.
OK, it's overwhelming.
Will one tiny step even help?

Well, yes.


  1. Well done! The light coming in your room is so nice too : )

    1. Thank you, Eva Girl. :) This is ridiculous, but I'm stepping...

  2. Keep stepping. When I get overwhelmed with stuff, I think of how happy I get when I find a treasure at a thrift store, so I decide to make someone else happy and start a donation box. My rule is, once in the box, its gone. when its full I take it to a non profit and donate. I went to the thrift store around the corner from where I live this afternoon and they had two dolls i had donated several months ago for sale. I know they will find good homes. The plus is my doll shelf they were on looks better with less dolls. Keep stepping!

    1. Thank you, Betty. That's a good way to look at it. :)

  3. James! I've been wondering if you are doing OK. I give dolls to little girls (I ask their parents first.) I sell them on eBay - not very successfully. I give them to my doll friends very occasionally. I have sold at a doll show, but table/booth rent can be expensive. What kind of dolls? Some kinds are very popular and make good money -- or good will, if you give them away. :)
    Did you try making any clothes, yet. I have intentions of doing another post or two on making clothing, but it will be a little while.

  4. No worries on the long post! I'm glad to know that you're coming out of it. You are quite right about the doll collecting thing. It can get out of hand. My problem is multiplied because I like dishes, books, linens and craft materials. :) About the time I decide to be reasonable, I find another great deal or new-to-me cool thing. I've mostly stopped collecting dishes. Now I need to cull out the dolls & books. (sigh)
    Depending on how old your older dolls are, I suggest an attempt to sell on eBay. Feel free to send pictures to me, but I have not been very successful. Another possibility is to go on Pink Parlor and ask for advise, there. Have you photographed your dolls? Do you have a digital camera? Ooo, I'mm getting myself cranked up for another attack upon my own mess! :) -- blessings upon you, James. I prayed for you.

  5. Go, James! :) I know what you mean about the snootiness. There are plenty of us out here who love thrifty doll collecting. :) There are those who get expensive dolls, expensive cameras, take marvelous photos and are still encouraging to the rest of us. :) Storing and thinking about your dolls sounds like a plan. I would offer to take them off your hands if I didn't have a problem with hoarding dolls and if I they were something really wanted. Thing is, I'd love to see you get something out of them - money or satisfaction. You take care, too.
