Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Odd Jobs

I haven't done any lawn mowing in years.  It may be 30 years or more.  My big handsome husband and my big handsome son do that job.  Today, the son had other things scheduled.  So, I tied on my sturdy shoes and tried to pitch in.

My DH starting the small
mower for me.

He kept it going until I got there.

Pushed myself a little too hard.
Should have stopped a little sooner.
Wanted to finish a certain patch.
(didn't finish it)
Was retching a bit before I
took the mower "down back."
Had to lie down and wait it out
for a few minutes.  Note the sweat --
so lady-like!

On to a job that was more my speed.
Combined several odd boxes

of my dolls

from different spots

around the house

into one large plastic storage
box that I picked up when I
was out doing errands with my
Dad, today.

OK. there were half a dozen left over.
One would have fit in the big box, but I
just got her.  One goes in another box
with her friends until I decide who
is staying with me.
One (Betsy McCall) has a spot
to be displayed, but I need
to make her some -ahem-
So, that leaves 3 who need
their own spot.

Finished, I am not. 
A little encouraged, .
I am

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